Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Voice that Moves Me

In the mid 90s, driving home from work, I heard a voice on NPR that captivated me. It was Iris DeMent, singing a song from her first album, Infamous Angel. I was hooked. I bought her CD and she became the one singer I would mention to people.
For many years, I checked the web as to new CDs and her performing itinerary. I bought each CD as it was released but she didn't often tour. She had a gig in Santa Monica one year but I couldn't make it.

And then Eva heard that she would be peforming at the Carpenter Center at Cal State Long Beach on September 26 along with BeauSoleil (Cajun music). We bought tickets (my birthday present) and last Saturday we were lifted from our routine by that tremendous voice.

Iris is not a performer; she is a singer and lyricist. She wore very little makeup, a funky dress and cowboy boots. She didn't smile much. But when she grabs her guitar or sits at the piano, with her red hair falling in her face and her eyes closed half the time, she sings some of the sweetest songs.

It was a night to remember.